Trigger Point Dry Needling Basics

What is it?

Dry needling is an effective physical therapy treatment that is used on muscles. It can be used to reduce pain, relaxing tight muscles and improving muscle function. Most often, dry needling is used to treat “trigger points”. Trigger points are essentially taught portions of the muscle. When this occurs, there are chemical changes and increased resting electrical activity in the muscle. These changes are the catalysts for a pain response. The pain experienced from the trigger points typically follow a pattern that is predictable. We look at pain patterns and find a treatment path using dry needling that is safe, easy, and effective.

Common conditions treated with dry needling

  • Myofascial pain syndrome: This condition involves the development of trigger points in muscles, leading to localized pain and referred pain in other areas. Dry needling can help release these trigger points and alleviate associated pain.
  • Neck and back pain: Dry needling can be beneficial for treating chronic neck and back pain caused by muscle tension, spasms, or tightness. It can help relax the muscles, reduce pain, and improve mobility in these areas.
  • Headaches: Dry needling techniques can target trigger points in the neck, shoulder, and head muscles, which may contribute to tension headaches. By releasing these trigger points, dry needling can help reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches.
  • Sports injuries: Dry needling can be utilized as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for sports-related injuries, such as strains, sprains, tendonitis, or muscle imbalances. It can aid in pain relief, muscle relaxation, and promoting tissue healing.
  • Joint conditions: Dry needling can be used to complement the treatment of joint conditions like osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. By addressing associated muscle tightness and pain, it can help improve joint function and mobility.
  • Fibromyalgia: Dry needling may be employed as part of a multimodal approach for managing fibromyalgia symptoms. It can target specific trigger points to reduce muscle pain and promote relaxation.

How does it work?

Dry needling is a technique that targets muscle “knots” called trigger points. By inserting thin needles into these points, it helps relax the muscles and reduce pain. The needles cause small muscle contractions and release natural pain-relieving substances, providing relief. It also affects the nerves to reduce pain signals. Dry needling works locally on the treated area and can have overall effects on the body.

Benefits of dry needling

  • Pain relief
  • Reduced muscle tension & relaxation
  • Improved blood circulation
  • Enhanced tissue healing
  • Improved range of motion
  • Improved muscle performance

Safety considerations

While dry needling is generally considered safe, there can be potential side effects. These can include temporary soreness, bruising, or minor bleeding at the needle insertion sites. Serious adverse events are rare but could possibly include infection or pneumothorax (punctured lung). However, when performed by qualified professionals, the risk of such complications is minimized.

People who are disqualified from the dry needling treatment at Nevada Therapy Solutions are:

  • Women who are pregnant
  • Recent (< 12 weeks) implantation of a metal prosthesis (replacements, fusions, etc.).
  • Small children

What you can expect

A “dry” needle means a needle without medication. The affected area to be treated will be swabbed with an alcohol pad. Then our clinician uses a piston technique with the needle to insert it and immediately remove it. Unlike acupuncture, the needle does not stay in for an extended period of time. Patients may experience different sensations when being needled; muscle soreness, aching and even a muscle twitch when the needle is inserted is considered to be a good sign. The entire procedure is quick and completed in clinic, needles are not left in the muscles. After the procedure, patients can typically expect to experience some minimal soreness that resolves within 24-72 hours.

Does dry needling hurt?

As part of the dry needling procedure, the physical therapist will locate trigger points, or taut portions of the musculature, which can sometimes be sensitive to the touch and may cause mild discomfort. When the needles are inserted into the muscle, you may experience some discomfort ranging from a slight sensation to a more significant response accompanied by an involuntary twitch. It’s typical to feel a tight or sore sensation near the needle insertion site after the treatment.

Reviews involving dry needling

I was having extreme pain in my shoulder and upper arm and my doctor diagnosed it as a possible torn rotator cuff. She suggested trying physical therapy. I researched therapist in my area and found Nevada Therapy Solutions. It was obvious from the first visit that Danny truly cared about finding out exactly what was wrong and how to help me get better. Along with the exercise plan that really helped, he also suggested that I might be a candidate for Dry Needling. I had complete confidence in Danny so I agreed, and I am so glad I did…it really helped!!Next, my wife meet with him to review the exercise plan she was currently using for her back issues. Danny took the time to have her go through each exercise and then suggested a few small changes and additions which immediately helped with her pain .If your looking for a great therapist, look no further…Danny and his staff are the best!!Thank you all for your help!
A few months ago I was going to another local physical therapy office when I got an advertising mailer for Nevada Therapy Solutions. I made an appointment to visit the office and got a free consultation and exam. I was impressed with the treatment from the physical therapist (PT), Danny. He came across as knowledgeable, friendly, professional , and sincere. The office setting was neat, quiet, spacious, and comfortable. Parking was plentiful.

So, when I got back spasms from gardening last week, I went to see Danny for help in getting me back to normal so I could be ballroom dancing by the weekend. After several treatments that week including soft tissue massage, dry needling, and gentle stretching exercises, Danny and his PT intern, Kerry, helped me recover and I was back on the dance floor as planned and doing my daily activities.

I know I’ll be returning to this office in the future for all my physical therapy needs.

Professional qualifications

Physical therapists are extensively trained healthcare professionals who specialize in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of musculoskeletal conditions. Many physical therapists undergo additional training in dry needling techniques as part of their professional development. They possess a comprehensive understanding of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, which allows them to effectively and safely perform dry needling interventions.

Our clinical director, Danny Wilcox, PT, DPT, has been a dedicated practitioner of dry needling since his time as a student physical therapist. After graduating, he furthered his expertise by successfully completing advanced education programs through “Evidence in Motion,” a renowned institution known for its commitment to evidence-based practice and clinical excellence. Danny has successfully performed thousands of dry needling treatments throughout his career. His knowledge and skill in this technique make him a trusted and sought-after practitioner in the field.


For individuals utilizing insurance for physical therapy, our dry needling services are seamlessly integrated into your covered treatments, ensuring a streamlined and cost-effective experience. We recommend incorporating dry needling as part of a comprehensive physical therapy plan of care to maximize its benefits. However, if you already have a customized plan that meets your needs and only require dry needling as a standalone service, we have a suitable option available for you. Our goal is to provide flexible choices that align with your specific treatment requirements and preferences.

Patients using insurance for physical therapy
No additional cost is rendered for dry needling treatments
Standalone dry needling treatments
$100 for evaluation / $50 for all follow up treatments


Trigger Point Dry needling is a technique that targets muscle trigger points, addressing pain and muscle tension. By inserting thin needles into these specific points, dry needling promotes muscle relaxation and can provide pain relief. It works by causing small muscle contractions and releasing natural pain-relieving substances. Dry needling can be an effective approach to manage musculoskeletal conditions and improve overall muscle function.

Discover the transformative power of dry needling where our dedicated practitioner is committed to helping you find relief. Book an appointment at Nevada Therapy Solutions today and discover how dry needling can help you achieve improved muscle function and a pain-free lifestyle.

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